I came to Reuben and asked him to produce a poster to advertise a band I busk with, and he not only delivered an excellent poster, he produced a full first draft within hours of asking him. We looked at it and brainstormed and he was very receptive to my ideas, taking my requirements and suggestions and working with me to produce a poster that was fit for purpose and looked fantastic. Not only did he produce the poster, but afterward he showed me concepts of business cards and concepts of a logo, which I was happy to pay him for because of their top quality. The fact of the matter is, Reuben Parks is a highly, highly talented graphic designer, who really knows his stuff. I’ve got Parksy on speed dial, because I know that whatever I need him for, he’s gonna be there and give me a top-quality product, for an affordable price.
-Joshua Phillips
I have known this young man Reuben Parks a short time and already he has made an instant impression on me and my family. He's such a kind and well-mannered young man with a zest for life and his contributions. Over this past year of knowing Reuben, I have noticed how punctual he is never missing a day showing me his determination to complete what he starts out to accomplish. As a fellow colleague I often ask for his advice on Technical ideas and instructions in which he has no hesitation to help or give advice even in some cases goes above and beyond expectations to show me how it works and why it would be better. This Shows me his passion for Graphic Design and I would I like to express my upmost support and gratitude to Reuben, i wish him success in the future and he has the professional attributes required.
- Graham Wilson
In my experience I've found Reuben to a competent graphic designer, I noticed material he had done for others based on tractors which drove me to make a request for a similar piece done for my quad with the aim of posting it on social media.
-Sam Turkington
I found Reubens work really impressive, he put lots of detail into the graphics and they were delivered way faster than I had expected. I totally recommend checking him out if you haven't already.
-Caleb Todd
Reuben’s work is extremely impressive it's high quality delivered very fast which was super important for me.
-James Wilson